Strider – 12 Sport Baby Bundle with Balance Bike and Rocking Base, Ages 6 Months to 5 Years

$189.98 (as of January 24, 2019, 12:51 AM)

LEARN TO RIDE – The Strider Baby Bundle is the best way to teach balance and improve dexterity, cognitive ability, and spatial awareness (yeah, a kid’s bike company totally knows what those are) without training wheels.
BUILT FOR PLAY – The Strider Baby Bundle helps your little bundle of biscuits bond with their very first bike before they ever take it to the rough and tumble cul-de-sac. The rocking base securely holds the Strider Sport in place as your baby literally rocks out.
GROWS WITH YOUR CHILD – When your tater tot has mastered rocking and is ready to roll out, simply detach the bike. With a seat and handlebars that can be adjusted tool-free and tires that never go flat, the 12 Sport is the perfect bike to take your child from baby steps to big strides. The Strider Sport has a seat height range of 30-48 cm (11-19 in.), comfortably fitting children with an inseam of 30-51 cm (12-20 in.).

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Strider – 12 Sport Baby Bundle with Balance Bike and Rocking Base, Ages 6 Months to 5 Years

$189.98 (as of January 24, 2019, 12:51 AM)

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